Is it possible to get Earnings Calendar data?


I am very new this game. And would love to have some help. I'm looking for following data from the api: (sample url not my site) Basically earnings calendar with Estimates, Actual EPS, Revenue, yr ago figures and surprise. Is this possible?

If yes, can someone help me, I would love to have this data extracted on excel or google sheet or show it on my Locked webpage for me to utilise the data?



Best Answer

  • Hi @Mayur

    Which API do you plan to use?

    For Earnings Calendar data, your option would be.

    Eikon Excel

    Not quite an API solution but Eikon can create event calendar and export it to Excel sheet or Outlook.
    It also has Eikon COM APIs that let you build custom event calendar spreadsheets.

    DataScope Select

    DataScope Select provides data in either CSV or JSON format. It can offer data via REST API, FTP, or Web GUI. You can extract data as CSV and use them in your spreadsheet.

    Thomson Reuters Knowledge Direct

    Thomson Reuters Knowledge Direct use SOAP API and XML. This could be an option if you plan to create your own webpage.
