How to dump out data dictionary in rmdstestclient

I see that the rmdstestclient has a -ddict argument which I believe in theory dumps out the data dictionary to a file. I'm having trouble getting this argument to work. I tried running the program with -ddict {output_file} but didn't anything getting written out. I also tried running it with -ddict True since it looks like the default argument is "False" but don't see where the data dictionary is getting outputted to. Has anyone ever gotten this to work? What's the right set of arguments that I should be passing in?

Best Answer

  • There is no argument to -ddict switch.

    For example, this set of switches works for me to capture dictionary from the infra

     .\rmdsTestClient.exe -h MY_ADS -S MY_SERVICE –ct rssl -f curr_items.txt -ddict -m -X -v -of curr_capture.txt

    where "curr_items.txt" is my subscription items file and "curr_capture.txt" is my captured output

    To go on and to capture subscribed items I use -dfile

      .\rmdsTestClient.exe -h MY_ADS -S MY_SERVICE –ct rssl -f curr_items.txt -ddict -dfile "MY_DICT_PATH\RDMFieldDictionary -m -X -v -of curr_capture.txt


  • In your first example, where does the captured dictionary get written out to?

  • The dictionary is written to curr_capture.txt. It is in refresh messages of RSSL_DMT_DICTIONARY domain.

    <refreshMsg domainType="RSSL_DMT_DICTIONARY" streamId="3" containerType="RSSL_DT_SERIES" flags="0x168 (RSSL_RFMF_HAS_MSG_KEY|RSSL_RFMF_SOLICITED|RSSL_RFMF_REFRESH_COMPLETE|RSSL_RFMF_CLEAR_CACHE)" groupId="0" dataState="RSSL_DATA_OK" streamState="RSSL_STREAM_OPEN" code="RSSL_SC_NONE" text=""  dataSize="615880">
  • Ah I see. Is there a utility that exists that allows us to convert this data into a form (i.e the same format as the RDMFieldDictionary) that we can pass back into the rmdsTestClient?

  • As I know, we don't have it.

    You can get those files from the server or download the latest version from the Software Download. It is in Category: MDS - General and Product: TREP Template Service Pack.

  • Do you have a html link to where I can download this RMDFieldDictionary file from? I'm having trouble having it on the TR developer website.

  • In your Elektron sdk download, one can find the dictionaries in EMA\etc and ETA\etc folders

    RDMFieldDictionary file is the main (field) dictionary and enumtype.def is the enums dictionary

  • Got it. Thanks