Difference between Eikon Excel and Python API results


I've noticed a discrepancy between data results using Eikon Formulas in Excel and Python API.

This is the Excel formula and results:


=TR("US29355XAD93",$F$3:$J$3,"TOP=5  CH=Fd RH=IN",E6)

While this is the Python ones:


campi=['TR.GR.RatingSourceCode',  'TR.GR.RatingDate',  'TR.GR.Rating ',  'TR.GR.RatingSPEquivalentRank',  'TR.GR.RatingSourceDescription']

dict_opt={'TOP':'5', 'CH':'Fd', 'RH':'IN'}

df,err=ek.get_data(['XS1384857493'],campi, dict_opt)

It seems to the column Rating SP Equivalent Rank is flipped upside down. Can anybody help me? Are there hyper parameters or options to use? Results in JSON format are not different from the above ones.


Best Answer


  • Thank you @Alex Putkov. So is there no other way than to wait till April?

  • For this specific use case you could try constructing the request that would return a single row instead of a table. E.g. add the filter on specific rating source to the parameters. But there's no generic workaround, I'm afraid.