what are the libraries to be included for OmmException to be used in our project?

what are the libraries to be included for OmmException to be used in our project?

Best Answer

  • @liyarthomas

    For simplicity EMA applications may just include only Ema.h instead of listing
    individual header files. But if you still need to know individual header files, you can open Ema.h and find the list for OmmException class.

    Below is the list I have copied from Ema.h.

    #include "Access/Include/OmmException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmUnsupportedDomainTypeException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmInvalidConfigurationException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmInvalidHandleException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmInvalidUsageException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmInaccessibleLogFileException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmMemoryExhaustionException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmOutOfRangeException.h"
    #include "Access/Include/OmmSystemException.h"

    You can find sample project setup from our example such as 422__MarketPrice__ErrorClient, it locates under folder "<Elektron SDK Installation path>Ema\Examples\Training\Consumer\400_Series_Examples\".