Eikon Python API: most recent data are missing

I try to download common shares outstanding using the following code, and find data are not available for the most recent quarters, whereas they are available from EXCEL and Eikon Web App.

tickers = ['GOOG.O'] start_date = dt.datetime(2000,1,1)
end_date = dt.datetime(2017, 12, 29)
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
parameters = {'SDate':start_date.strftime(date_format),
'FRQ': 'FQ',
'Period': 'FQ0',
'Curn': 'USD'} debug_mode = True fields = [ek.TR_Field('TR.ISSourceDate'), # reported date
ek.TR_Field('TR.ISSource'), # source
ek.TR_Field('TR.TtlCmnSharesOut'), # total common shares outstanding

data_grid4, err4 = ek.get_data(tickers, fields, parameters, debug= debug_mode)

Best Answer

  • There is a known issue that the underlying API does not handle NULL values correctly so the data in the column is shifted upward.

    For example:

    The following is the output from Eikon Data API.


    However, Eikon excel returns:


    In summary, with Eikon Data API, the data in recent rows are null because the data in the column is shifted upward to replace the null value,

    For more information, please refer to this question.
