Python input old ISIN and return RIC

In excel I can use RSearch to do this....

=RSearch("EQUITY","Search; SE0000143521","NBROWS:1",,)

and it will return the RIC even though the ISIN has been updated. Can I do this in python using symbology somehow? I see I can return the PermanentID for the security, but that is about all. RIC and other codes are NaNs?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    With Eikon Data API, if you set bestMatch to False, it will return a list of mapped RICs.



  • Hi when I input bestMatch to the python code it returns an error, "unexpected keyword argument 'bestMatch' " Is there something else I need to change

  • I think you must have an older version of eikon package installed. Upgrade eikon library from PyPI: run "pip install --upgrade eikon".