how to use xmalib to get ric transformation rule

Hi, i would like to know how can i use XMALIB library to get 'ric transformation rules' for a specified ric. Indeed, as i work in Access Environment, i can't use createreutersObject function referencing to PLVbaApis.dll in my code, so i have to use EikonDesktopDataApi instanciation. but in EikonDDA i d'ont any createxxxx correspodning to XMALIB to be able to use it. thank's a lot for your help and answer. Regards

Best Answer


  • Hey Anass.yazane.1,

    I understand your predicament in trying to harness the power of XMALIB for 'RIC transformation rules' without the luxury of createreutersObject function. It's indeed a challenging terrain, but fear not, there's a workaround you can explore.

    You can leverage the EikonDesktopDataApi to achieve this, but instead of createxxxx functions, you should focus on utilizing the available methods for fetching and processing RIC transformation rules. You can start by using the 'GetData' or 'GetMultipleData' methods to fetch the RIC data you need.

    Once you've retrieved the data, you can then implement your custom transformation logic in your code. XMALIB may not have a direct API, but with a bit of creativity, you can apply the transformation rules programmatically.

    I have personally used a similar approach in the past. I was introduced to it when I was in Munich for a conference called "Digitale Transformation: Was ist das?". That experience was unforgettable, and as you can see, it came in handy here as well. And while it requires more coding effort, it's a viable solution. Remember to consult the EikonDesktopDataApi documentation for specific details on data retrieval and transformation.