Sector average data for a specific stock

How to get sector average data for specific stock, e.g., find average P/E ratio for the sector that AAPL.O is in? Is there an example?

Best Answer

  • Yes, with the use of screening functions (for sector) or peer service (for peers). The following code gives you an average historic p/e for all companies in Apple Inc. sector, headquartered in US with market cap > $1B:

    import eikon as tr

    expression = 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))), \
    IN(TR.GICSSectorCode,45), IN(TR.HQCountryCode,US), \
    TR.CompanyMarketCap>=1000000000, CURN=USD)'

    df, e = tr.get_data([exp], ['TR.CompanyName','TR.HistPE'])
    df['Historic P/E'].mean()
