What does code NP mean in NewsFeedDirect?

We are migrating from NewsFeedDirect to Elektron, In NFD we see a news article has


What do NP:EBX and NP:RBR mean?

another e.g.


Best Answer

  • Hi @xlil997

    "NP:" prefix indicate product code.

    Product codes identify which news product the news belongs to.

    For example: "NP:PRN" is PRNewswire News Service and "NP:CNR" is Corporate Announcements - Global.

    Other prefixes that you could see are:

    • "N2:" - Topic codes: describe the news‘s subject matter.
    • "NI:" - Named item codes: identify news that follows a pattern
    • "NS:" - Attributions: denotes the organization that published the news.
    • "R:" - RICs: denotes a RIC.

    A reference file containing a list of active codes for MRN/Elektron can be found here.

    But please note that some codes on NFD are not intended to be on MRN/Elektron and you may not found the codes in the reference file.

    NP:EBX and NP:RBR are NFD only codes.
    "NP:EBX" is European Business Report, while "NP:RBR" is a special code that mapped to Asian Business Report, European Business Report, and North American Business Report.