RFA Java API Data Problem

I am using the RFA Java API. I'm trying to get the following RIC information every 3 minutes. Sometimes this information is full and sometimes only a few of them come. From the logs I see an expression like "Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP" . After every RIC information. Below I send RIC and used field information.

Best Regards...

ItemManager: Subscribing to EUR=

ItemManager: Subscribing to GBP=
ItemManager: Subscribing to TRY=
ItemManager: Subscribing to CHF=
ItemManager: Subscribing to JPY=
ItemManager: Subscribing to AUD=
ItemManager: Subscribing to CAD=
ItemManager: Subscribing to NOK=
ItemManager: Subscribing to SEK=
ItemManager: Subscribing to DKK=
ItemManager: Subscribing to RUB=
ItemManager: Subscribing to THB=
ItemManager: Subscribing to CNY=
ItemManager: Subscribing to XAU=
ItemManager: Subscribing to AED=
ItemManager: Subscribing to INR=
ItemManager: Subscribing to CNH=
ItemManager: Subscribing to RON=
ItemManager: Subscribing to XPT=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURGBP=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURCHF=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURRUB=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURSEK=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURNOK=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURJPY=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURAED=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURCAD=
ItemManager: Subscribing to GBPCHF=
ItemManager: Subscribing to CHFJPY=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURDKK=
ItemManager: Subscribing to EURRON=
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP

FieldEntry, FID 15, name CURRENCY, type ENUM: <blank> FieldEntry, FID 22, name BID, type REAL: 4.6645 FieldEntry, FID 25, name ASK, type REAL: 4.669700000000001 FieldEntry, FID 1001, name GV2_TEXT, type RMTES_STRING: Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 4.6645askAmount -> 4.669700000000001currencyMarket -> RONdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURRONitemName -> EURRON=
currentTimeMillis : 1521619490529
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP
FieldEntry, FID 15, name CURRENCY, type ENUM: <blank> FieldEntry, FID 22, name BID, type REAL: 1.3394000000000001 FieldEntry, FID 25, name ASK, type REAL: 1.3399 FieldEntry, FID 1001, name GV2_TEXT, type RMTES_STRING: Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 4.6645askAmount -> 4.669700000000001currencyMarket -> RONdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURRONitemName -> EURRON=
Reuters: currencyName -> GBPbidAmount -> 1.3394000000000001askAmount -> 1.3399currencyMarket -> CHFdominantCurrency -> GBPfxName -> GBPCHFitemName -> GBPCHF=
currentTimeMillis : 1521619490530
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP
FieldEntry, FID 15, name CURRENCY, type ENUM: <blank> FieldEntry, FID 22, name BID, type REAL: 111.29 FieldEntry, FID 25, name ASK, type REAL: 111.35000000000001 FieldEntry, FID 1001, name GV2_TEXT, type RMTES_STRING: Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 4.6645askAmount -> 4.669700000000001currencyMarket -> RONdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURRONitemName -> EURRON=
Reuters: currencyName -> GBPbidAmount -> 1.3394000000000001askAmount -> 1.3399currencyMarket -> CHFdominantCurrency -> GBPfxName -> GBPCHFitemName -> GBPCHF=
Reuters: currencyName -> CHFbidAmount -> 111.29askAmount -> 111.35000000000001currencyMarket -> JPYdominantCurrency -> CHFfxName -> CHFJPYitemName -> CHFJPY=
currentTimeMillis : 1521619490530
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP
FieldEntry, FID 15, name CURRENCY, type ENUM: <blank> FieldEntry, FID 22, name BID, type REAL: 1.6004 FieldEntry, FID 25, name ASK, type REAL: 1.6005 FieldEntry, FID 1001, name GV2_TEXT, type RMTES_STRING: Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 4.6645askAmount -> 4.669700000000001currencyMarket -> RONdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURRONitemName -> EURRON=
Reuters: currencyName -> GBPbidAmount -> 1.3394000000000001askAmount -> 1.3399currencyMarket -> CHFdominantCurrency -> GBPfxName -> GBPCHFitemName -> GBPCHF=
Reuters: currencyName -> CHFbidAmount -> 111.29askAmount -> 111.35000000000001currencyMarket -> JPYdominantCurrency -> CHFfxName -> CHFJPYitemName -> CHFJPY=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 1.6004askAmount -> 1.6005currencyMarket -> CADdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURCADitemName -> EURCAD=
currentTimeMillis : 1521619490531
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP
FieldEntry, FID 15, name CURRENCY, type ENUM: <blank> FieldEntry, FID 22, name BID, type REAL: 7.4485 FieldEntry, FID 25, name ASK, type REAL: 7.449000000000001 FieldEntry, FID 1001, name GV2_TEXT, type RMTES_STRING: Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 4.6645askAmount -> 4.669700000000001currencyMarket -> RONdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURRONitemName -> EURRON=
Reuters: currencyName -> GBPbidAmount -> 1.3394000000000001askAmount -> 1.3399currencyMarket -> CHFdominantCurrency -> GBPfxName -> GBPCHFitemName -> GBPCHF=
Reuters: currencyName -> CHFbidAmount -> 111.29askAmount -> 111.35000000000001currencyMarket -> JPYdominantCurrency -> CHFfxName -> CHFJPYitemName -> CHFJPY=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 1.6004askAmount -> 1.6005currencyMarket -> CADdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURCADitemName -> EURCAD=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 7.4485askAmount -> 7.449000000000001currencyMarket -> DKKdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURDKKitemName -> EURDKK=
currentTimeMillis : 1521619490531
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP
FieldEntry, FID 15, name CURRENCY, type ENUM: <blank> FieldEntry, FID 22, name BID, type REAL: 0.8751 FieldEntry, FID 25, name ASK, type REAL: 0.8756 FieldEntry, FID 1001, name GV2_TEXT, type RMTES_STRING: Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 4.6645askAmount -> 4.669700000000001currencyMarket -> RONdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURRONitemName -> EURRON=
Reuters: currencyName -> GBPbidAmount -> 1.3394000000000001askAmount -> 1.3399currencyMarket -> CHFdominantCurrency -> GBPfxName -> GBPCHFitemName -> GBPCHF=
Reuters: currencyName -> CHFbidAmount -> 111.29askAmount -> 111.35000000000001currencyMarket -> JPYdominantCurrency -> CHFfxName -> CHFJPYitemName -> CHFJPY=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 1.6004askAmount -> 1.6005currencyMarket -> CADdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURCADitemName -> EURCAD=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 7.4485askAmount -> 7.449000000000001currencyMarket -> DKKdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURDKKitemName -> EURDKK=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 0.8751askAmount -> 0.8756currencyMarket -> GBPdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURGBPitemName -> EURGBP=
currentTimeMillis : 1521619490532
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP
FieldEntry, FID 15, name CURRENCY, type ENUM: <blank> FieldEntry, FID 22, name BID, type REAL: 6.3304 FieldEntry, FID 25, name ASK, type REAL: 6.3315 FieldEntry, FID 1001, name GV2_TEXT, type RMTES_STRING: Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 4.6645askAmount -> 4.669700000000001currencyMarket -> RONdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURRONitemName -> EURRON=
Reuters: currencyName -> GBPbidAmount -> 1.3394000000000001askAmount -> 1.3399currencyMarket -> CHFdominantCurrency -> GBPfxName -> GBPCHFitemName -> GBPCHF=
Reuters: currencyName -> CHFbidAmount -> 111.29askAmount -> 111.35000000000001currencyMarket -> JPYdominantCurrency -> CHFfxName -> CHFJPYitemName -> CHFJPY=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 1.6004askAmount -> 1.6005currencyMarket -> CADdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURCADitemName -> EURCAD=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 7.4485askAmount -> 7.449000000000001currencyMarket -> DKKdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURDKKitemName -> EURDKK=
Reuters: currencyName -> EURbidAmount -> 0.8751askAmount -> 0.8756currencyMarket -> GBPdominantCurrency -> EURfxName -> EURGBPitemName -> EURGBP=
Reuters: currencyName -> USDbidAmount -> 6.3304askAmount -> 6.3315currencyMarket -> CNYdominantCurrency -> CNYfxName -> USDCNYitemName -> CNY=
currentTimeMillis : 1521619490532
Message type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP

Best Answer

  • According to the given info in the case, the client run application only 1 second which was too short to get
    data of all RICs. After the client increased the run time/waiting time, the problem has been solved; he could get data of all RICs.

    MsgType.REFRESH_RESP which the client have seen is the first data message the application receives from
    the server after an application subscribes a RIC/item. It contains all
    currently available information about the item e.g. the item’s state and the
    data in the payload. The payload contains the field list(list of FieldEntry)
    includes all the fields that may be present in subsequent update messages. For more details of MsgType.REFRESH_RESP, please refer to MarketPrice
    Refresh Message section in [RFA Java package]\Docs\RFAJ_RDMUsageGuide.pdf.
