We are getting error while starting APP using EMA like text: Acronym mismatch "PRE_2ET014" and "TRD_


On commenting the FIDs mentioned here exception propagates to next line. ID are same for enumtype.def and RDMFieldDictionary files. Any thoughts here what could be wrong. The same files were working fine in window with the similar configuration.

Exception in thread "main" Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='loggerMsg ClientName: DictionaryCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: /cme/apps/install/eps_eda/conf/eps_eda/reuters/enumtype.def Current working directory /cme/apps/run/eps_eda Error text Error channel: null ErrorId: -1 sysError: 0 text: Acronym mismatch "PRE_2ET014" and "TRD_P_CCY" between Field Dictionary and Enum Type Dictionary loggerMsgEnd ' at com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmBaseImpl.ommIUExcept(OmmBaseImpl.java:1213)

Best Answer

  • My guess is that when you have installed a new dictionary package you have only updated one of the two files (enumtype.def and RDMFieldDictionary). A dictionary package must be deployed as a whole, i.e. the two files must originate from the same package. Otherwise they may be out of sync with each other.
