How to get Security Rates?

I am trying to get security price in below method but response is 0.0. Kindly let me know

PRIMACT_1 filed is right one or not.


<rate name="AAPL 1% Nov-22" pfCode="IDN_RDF\US113533480=\PRIMACT_1\PRIMACT_1"/>


<row num="1">


  • which product are you using?

  • premkumar.packiaraj
    While the metadata in your request looks like it pertains to Thomson Reuters Elektron datafeed, I cannot associate the SOAP interface you use (I assume it's a SOAP interface based on the request and response looking like XML) with any Thomson Reuters products I'm familiar with. As per the comment by @Zhenya Kovalyov, would you mind specifying which Thomson Reuters product you use? Could it be that you're interfacing with some in-house built or a 3rd party interface that utilizes Thomson Reuters services upstream?

  • @premkumar.packiaraj

    Have you checked the setting of Finacle app on how to extract the field PRIMACT_1. It seems the app still extract with default settings with BID/ASK value that are 0 and 0 respectively.

    You can also confirm this by checking RFA log if enabled, to cross check the value of those fields.