how to apply aggregation function liker( sorting and group by on field) on redis data by using sprin

I have search a lot on internet but could not find any sample code for how to apply aggregate function on redis data?

like I want to sort( by Ascending or Descending order) or group by(means separate 2.5gpa holders and separate 2.8gpa holders group by) data on the basis of (gpa- field) in spring-Data-Redis. so how it will happen by only using redis Aggregate functions.

please guide me!

here is model class of student!

@RedisHash("Student1")publicclassStudent1{@IdprivateLong id;privateString name;privatefloat gpa;privateString uniName;}

Best Answer

  • @soomrogul
    I guess you must have posted this question on the wrong developer forum? I don't see how your question relates to Thomson Reuters. This site is dedicated to software developers using Thomson Reuters APIs.


  • Hello, I'm PhD student at the University of Neuchâtel. Can I use SUM aggregation function for final grades and Frq parameter to aggregate daily turnover into annual turnover? Is it possible?

    Ben Blodgett | PhD student |

  • @blodgett

    When asking a new question on these forums always start a new thread. Old threads with accepted answers are not monitored by forum moderators. I'm also not sure I understand your question. The thread you referenced in your post contains an example of using the SUM aggregation function to calculate annual turnover from daily timeseries. If you need further help with, please start a new thread.