Pull IPO info through the Eikon Data API

Does anyone know if IPO info like issuer, expected amount, price, exchange, country, sector, etc. can be pulled from the Eikon Data API?

Best Answer

  • I assume the question is about reports similar to the ones you can create using Equity Offerings app in Eikon. I don't believe it's possible to retrieve this data using Eikon Data APIs. However for the final authority I suggest you contact Thomson Reuters Helpdesk and ask if it's possible to retrieve this data into Excel using a formula. If it is possible, then this formula can be replicated using Eikon Data API. But if the only way to retrieve the data into Excel is by clicking Export to Excel button in the Equity Offerings app, which creates a static report, then I'm afraid what I believe is correct and there's no way to get the IPO data using Eikon Data API.