python on field TR.BSSourceDate or TR.BSOriginalAnnouncementDate (fundamentals data)

Hi All,

Could i request for a confirmation, if i could apply on datapoint TR.BSOriginalAnnouncementDate so that i can filter data for particular date range

fields = [ek.TR_Field('TR.BSSourceDate'),ek.TR_Field('TR.BSOriginalAnnouncementDate'),ek.TR_Field('tr.revenue'),ek.TR_Field('',None,'asc',1),ek.TR_Field('TR.GrossProfit',{'Scale': 6, 'Curn': 'CAD'},'asc',0)]
data_grid, err = ek.get_data(["IBM","MSFT.O"],fields)

I could see similar function is available on timeseries data

req = ek.get_timeseries(["MSFT.O"], start_date = "2017-03-01",
>>> end_date = "2017-03-10", interval="daily")

Best Answer

  • Alex Putkov.1
    Answer ✓

    "I cannot say I feel confident that I understand your objective. However what I think you might be looking for is to retrieve timeseries of standardized balance sheet or income statement line items for a range of dates. If this is indeed what you're looking for, you can filter the dates range based on either the reporting period end date or on the preliminary report filing date. Here's an example of retrieving quarterly revenue and gross profit between two dates based on preliminary filing date:



  • objective was to extract data on specified date range..

  • could i please know the source for the below details as i could not see in any documentation


    Great if you could send the details

  • See this tutorial, which talks at length about metadata discovery. You may also find this previous thread on this forum useful.