Is an integrated ontology file available?


For the purpose of my new application, I would like to be able to import a PermID ontology file - in OWL or other format (say, acceptable to Protege), containing the (major) entities - Organization, Person, etc. integrated into one file.

Is this file available?


Colin Goldberg

Best Answer


  • Thank you for your response. However, I see individual files on this page, but not a single integrated file. Is this available? If not, is any help available about how to combine these files into a single one - eg. using Protege or similar software.


    Colin Goldberg

  • @c3eaf78c-5e01-410a-93af-ded2de9a315d

    No integrated file is available and there are no
    current plans to implement this.

    I have tried with Protege but it doesn't work. Protege seems to have a problem with non-exact cardinality in OQL restrictions. Therefore, you could try to combine all the files into one and remove the import declarations and redundant prefixes.