EMA Examples build crash

I'm building the sources from Elektron-SDK1.2.0.linux.zip

cd setup
cmake -H"Elektron-SDK1.2.0.linux.rrg" -B"build"
make -C build

It crashes on

No rule to make target 'Elektron-SDK-BinaryPack_dacs_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND', needed by 'Elektron-SDK1.2.0.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Eta/Executables/UBU16_64_GCC540/Optimized/authlock'.  Stop.
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3183: recipe for target 'Cpp-C/Eta/Applications/Examples/AuthLock/CMakeFiles/authlock.dir/all' failed

When I disable build of eta/Applications, it crashes on the first Ema training example:

/home/jakub/workspace/elektron/setup/Elektron-SDK1.2.0.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Eta/Libs/UBU16_64_GCC540/Optimized/librssl.a(ripcsslutils.c.o): In function `ripcInitializeSSL':
ripcsslutils.c:(.text+0xc28): undefined reference to `dlclose'
make[2]: *** [/home/jakub/workspace/elektron/setup/Elektron-SDK1.2.0.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Ema/Executables/UBU16_64_GCC540/Optimized/Cons100] Error 1

Is anyone else experiencing this kind of problems on Linux?

Best Answer

  • mitchell.kato
    Answer ✓


    It appears that you're trying to build on Ubuntu, is this correct?

    According to the Elektron SDK API Compatability Matrix, we do not support Ubuntu. Can you reproduce these issues on a supported platform?

    While we are open to users building the Elektron SDK on other platforms, we only guarantee and support building and running applications based on the supported platforms. If this issue cannot be reproduced on a supported platform, the support burden is shared with the user.

    That said, if you do find a fix, please consider sharing it with the community as a pull request on GitHub.


  • @mitchell.katoTR

    Yes I'm on Ubuntu, I never checked the compatibility matrix (seeing "Linux" in the Quick Start and thinking I'm ok). Thanks, I'll try on windows today.