Documentation inconsistent, Cannot POST /sxs/v1

I am struggling to get past the handshake part of the quickstart:

  • JSON in the text does not match JSON in the screenshot. (productid+apikey vs appkey?)
  • The API Key Generator is now the Application ID Generator? Maybe why there is inconsistency in screenshot?
  • With the version in the screenshot, I get a 404 error back


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Yes, you are correct. From the log file, your account doesn't have a permission to use Side by Side Integration API. You can use Eikon Data API (APIPROXY).

    If your account has a permission to use Side by Side Integration API, you should see SIDEBYSIDE in the log.

    [2018-05-18 09:02:57.611|prod] (app) PO: APIPROXY, SIDEBYSIDE

    You can contact your TR account team to verify the account's type of your Eikon login.


  • Hi @kenneth.syme

    The handshake command should look like this:


    "command": "handshake",

    "apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",

    "productId": "YOUR_APP_ID"


    The app you need to use to generate a key is API KEY GENERATOR.

  • Hi, I have now found the correct app and generated a key and product id, still getting a 404 and "Cannot POST /sxs/v1/", which sounds quite a different problem from having a malformed request. Should say the ping works as expected.

  • You're right, it sounds like a different problem. I'm a bit confused by your mention of the ping. Are you running Postman and Eikon on the same machine? If yes, could you check of EikonBox.exe owns local TCP port 9000? Run "netstat -anb" from Command Prompt (you'll need local Admin privileges). If EikonBox.exe owns port 9000 you should see in the output of netstat:

  • Both running on the same machine, ping mention was just to say that it works


    Have checked EikonBox is listening on Port 9000.


    Still getting the same error on the handshake.

    Fully expect it's something strange with my laptop setup, just can't figure out how to figure it out!

    Only other distinguishing feature is a header of "X-ID→18624.13" (13 increments each time I send a request).

  • Having read looks like my account may not be setup as I expected - shall contact account manager and see.

  • Please share your SxS log (SxS.<datetime>.<pid>.txt) which is in Eikon Logs path (C:\ProgramData\Thomson Reuters\Eikon Data\Logs\TRD\Eikon.<datetime>.<pid>).

  • @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai I have attached the log here sxs20180518100242p12408.txt. My understanding from the previous thread is the line

    [2018-05-18 09:02:57.611|prod] (app) PO: APIPROXY

    Should read

    [2018-05-18 09:02:57.611|prod] (app) PO: APIPROXY, SIDEBYSIDE

    Is this correct? If so, how do I get this setup?

  • Yes this was indeed the issue and is now sorted. Although the documentation images are still inconsistent, and perhaps a more useful error message (an actual 403?) would help!