Elektron EMAConfig.xml Consumer Buffer tuning

At market close we seem to be running out of performance. The messages arrive and the EMA API gives out. I have tried to move most processing onto other treads. But because of the GlobalBuffer some processing, i.e. copying has to be on the AppClient callback thread, becaue the FieldEntry objects are transient. Does changing the Channel NumInputBuffers SysRecvBufSize and HighWaterMark make any difference? If I change these what are good values to have?

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @michael.chong

    Does the application encounters the memory leak problem or the ADS log contains "Output threshold breached for <EMS login user> .." message? If so, it means the consumer
    application can not read data sent from ADS fast enough (a slow consumer).

    You can
    implement the application performance to speed up picking up events in the
    Application callbacks to make the application and API consume data from the ADS
    faster. The
    suggested solutions are:

    1. Process incoming data with minimize time in the
    callback methods, onRefreshMsg(), onUpdateMsg, onStatusMsg(), etc.
    Basically, the longer the application is held in this method, the more events
    are added up in the queue, which leads to the overflow scenario and
    disconnections. Avoid making database and/or other
    blocking calls in the methods. The application may have additional thread to
    process the received event separately.

    2. You can
    improve the application performance by using the horizontal scaling to
    distribute the process of response/update messages between multiple CPU cores
    while running a single process on the machine. This would increase the response
    message throughput of the application.

    Below is
    the example design of the application applied horizontal scaling with 4
    OMMConsumer threads:


    OmmConsumer threads are configured to the same host/port to make the
    application creates multiple connections to the same TREP infra.

    Please be
    informed that the horizontal scaling may not be fully beneficial to
    applications when the number of threads is higher than the number of the
    machine CPU’s cores.

    see the horizontal scaling implementation example from EMA Java’s example410__MarketPrice__HorizontalScaling
    application. The example is available at <EMA 3.2 package>\Java\Ema\Examples\src\main\java\com\thomsonreuters\ema\examples\training\consumer\series400\example410__MarketPrice__HorizontalScaling folder.


  • Hi Wasin, Thank your kind reply. I did try a number of things but could not get sufficient performance. The Consumer, which is as you said slow, wpuld crash typically one to five minutes before the USA market close. Typically when volume is highest. We are trying to subscribe to 4,700 stock names. My solution is to move to the ETA (UPA) Api will see if that fixes things.

    What kills the EMA performance is the buffer locks, and the fact that there is only one thread available for unpacking data, and that data is only "valid" within the call back method.

    Warmest regards, Mike.