get_data issue with adjusted/unadjusted

Please check the outputs of the following two requests:

adjusted = eikon.get_data("CRH.L", "TR.ClosePrice.Value", {"Adjusted":"1", "SDate": "20090101", "EDate": "20180522", "Frq":"D", "curn":"GBp"})

unadjusted =eikon.get_data("CRH.L", "TR.ClosePrice.Value", {"Adjusted":"0", "SDate": "20090101", "EDate": "20180522", "Frq":"D", "curn":"GBp"})

There is an error in
the conversion in 2011 (November 8 and before), it should be in the
range of 1000 pence. Excel gives the same output. Any ideas what's happening here? Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

  • Alex Putkov.1
    Answer ✓

    This forum is not the best place to dispute whether price adjustment was performed correctly for a given stock on a given day or to raise any other data issues for that matter.
    I suggest you direct your data query via normal support channels, i.e. raise a case with TR Helpdesk, especially since the data you're questioning is easily retrieved using Excel.
