Python API returns NaN for revenue of Australian banks

I've been using the following code to get historical data about some Australian companies.

ek.get_data(['CBA.AX', 'ANZ.AX'], ['','TR.Revenue','TR.NormalizedEBITDA', 'TR.EBIT'], {'Scale': 6, 'SDate': 0, 'EDate': -30, 'FRQ': 'FY', 'Curn': 'AUD'})

This code works for other Australian companies (e.g. BLS.AX, TLS.AX) and US companies (e.g. IBM), however for the big banks in Australia (e.g. CBA.AX, ANZ.AX) it returns NaN for revenue. I don't understand why this is the case - the data is accessible via the desktop program.

Best Answer

  • What you see in standard apps on Eikon does not directly translate into fields in the database, so in future I would start with either exploring the standard spreadsheet template library or playing with the Data Item Browser app (DIB) or Formula Builder in Excel.

    For the case that you mentioned, it is not a given that all companies will have the 'revenue' line in their income statement. For example, the banks report net interest income and non-interest income, rather than just the revenue. CBA.AX:


    So, if you go to Eikon Excel and select 'Templates' on the Thomson Reuters toolbar, then search for 'Banking Income Statement', you will see which fields are normally available.


  • Hi Jack,

    This is due to the different interpretation of different items between industries. For banks your probably looking for the TR.NetIncome field.