No Market Price data in canned data

I was using the amersCannedData and emeaCannedData for replay of data. But I can't get any MARKET_PRICE data from the data replay. I'm getting MARKET_BY_ORDER and MARKET_BY_PRICE but no MARKET_PRICE. I'm testing with emeaCannedData and symbol LLOY.L.

consumer.registerClient( ReqMsg().serviceName( "DIRECT_FEED" ).name( "LLOY.L" ), client );

Best Answer

  • sgan208
    Answer ✓

    Not sure what the issue was but the market price is coming now. My guess would be the marketprice was coming before but I was not flushing the output buffer. Thanks for the help.


  • @sgan208: Where did you get the canned data from, and what application are you using to replay it back?

  • Hello @sgan208,

    Please review README that came with the canned data, the canned recording includes

    only the RICs specified in the accompanying README file,

    "LLOY.L" is not there, please try registering subscription with "AMZN.O" instead.

  • I tried getting MarketPrice data for AMZN.O and was successful. Similarly, CAD=N worked too for amersCannedData file.

    Running consumer - Host: localhost:14002, Service: DIRECT_FEED, User: user1, RIC: AMZN.O

    Jun 06, 2018 11:48:10 AM com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient reactorChannelEventCallback
    INFO: loggerMsg
    ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
    Severity: Info
    Text: Received ChannelUp event on channel Channel_1
    Instance Name Consumer_1_1
    Component Version 64-bit Static

    Item Name: AMZN.O
    Service Name: DIRECT_FEED
    Item State: Open / Ok / None / 'All is well'
    PROD_PERM(1): 74
    RDNDISPLAY(2): 66
    RDN_EXCHID(4): 0
    TRDPRC_1(6): 1165.261
    TRDPRC_2(7): 1165.1955
    TRDPRC_3(8): 1165.19<br>.
  • @sgan208

    The canned data you are using support MarketPrice for RIC LLOY.L, I guess that original issue that you did not get the data occurs due to EMA has to download data dictionary from the server but sink_driven_source cannot provide data dict.

    Please make sure that you modify EMA configuration file to use local data dictionary before testing with EMA example. It mentioned in this article .