Convert Currency Number to Name


cuurently I'am working on an wpf application using the ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed to fetch realtime date from EIKON.

I need to find the currency of a certain ric and to convert it to the currency string. For example RIC = NFLX.O, the currency is USD but the value returned for the currency through the API is 840.

Where can I feind teh enumeration which converts the currency number to the actual currency name?

Kind regards

Best Answer


  • Thank you! That did help!

  • Hi. Would the same trick work if I am using RDP API in C# ? thanks.

  • @melarbi

    Old threads with accepted answers are not monitored by forum moderators. To ask a new question, always start a new thread. I'm afraid, I cannot give you a straight answer to your question, as I'm not sure what you mean by "RDP API". In this context it could refer to a couple of different things. I suggest you start a new thread and describe the challenge you're looking to solve in more detail. A code sample would be most useful to understand the problem you're looking to solve.