Missing quotes in openpermid quote bulk download file


I can't find the quote https://permid.org/1-55838227757 in the bulk donwload from 27th of May 2018, Why?

I can find the quote https://permid.org/1-21474838900 . What's the relationship between these two ?

When doing Entity Search on the permid.org for "HENNES & MAURITZ B ORD" it returns 58 quotes.

When doing a search in the quote bulk file for the same it returns 11 quotes. How come the difference?



Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @jonasalmqvist,

    We have the confirmation from the product development team that the issue has been resolved:

    "The status is closed as the issue was
    with cm-well connectivity/unstability.

    The issue is resolved now and QA validation has been completed."


  • @jonasalmqvist
    The issue you raised has been referred to the team that supports PermID, which is currently investigating it. We will update this thread once we get the results of the investigation.