get_data() for all RICS in section

I am trying to query the data for all the crude grades in a specific region (i.e. Europe), however, is there a quicker way to do this than manually listing out each RIC in a list?

Best Answer

  • The resolution from the service case 06719598:
    The desired list of RICs is available from the Crude Oil view in Eikon. From Home page navigate to Asset Classes - Commodities - Energy and then click on the Pricing tab. From this view you can pop-out a Monitor
    app containing all the RICs in the view with a single click on the Monitor icon. And then from
    the Monitor app the list of RICs can be copied & pasted into Excel or other


  • If you're asking whether you can retrieve multiple RICs with a single get_data call, the answer is yes. The first argument of get_data method can be a list of strings representing RICs.
    If you're asking whether there's a way for you to create a list of RICs representing the specific content you're looking for, then content search & explanation questions are best directed to Thomson Reuters Helpdesk by either calling the Helpdesk number in your country or by using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application. I created a service case in your behalf with TR Helpdesk. The service case number is 06719598. You will be contacted by the Helpdesk who will take the ownership of your query.