.NET C# Eikon Web API/ Web Service


Is this possible to call Eikon web service without necessary to install Eikon on PC?

The idea is we created an asp.net c# application and call webservice url and expected return result in JSON format.

The sample may similar to Dex2 sample by inputting the asset class, fields list, request parameters, and display parameters. But just call the web service url include the parameters above without EIKON application installed.

If this is possible, may be have sample code for me to try. And how to input the user and password from webservice. Because I am sure the webservice required to validate user and password before returning the JSON result.


Best Answer

  • You need to look at one of the enterprise level APIs to accomplish this, I would recommend DataScope Select, it has a REST API. This article gives a brief introduction to the usage.


  • ok thank you @Zhenya Kovalyov

    I'll look through the article. And you mentioned "... need to look at one of the enterprise level APIs to accomplish this.", is this means we need to buy another license of API to use this feature? Currently we only have Thomson Reueters EIKON desktop account/ licence.


  • Eikon user licence does not allow the data to leave the desktop, so it can not be used in the environment you have described. I suggest you contact your account manager for additional information.

  • Ok thanks @Zhenya Kovalyov for the information.