Extracting relationships alongwith Entities using Opencalais

We are working on a business problem in which we have to extract entities alongwith proper mapping/relationship in free form email text. Here is one of the sample email:


As per recent information, client John Smith, Walter Hoien and Paul Kauer have changed organizations. John and Walter joined GiriTech Inc. while Paul has joined RayTech Inc. Their email ids are jsmith@giritech.com, whoien@giritech.com and paul.kauer@raytech.com. Pauls new contact number is 5137533948, Walters number is 5137233785 and John's number is 3452734819.


Here is the output we expect(we can have any number of entities(names) with partial/full contact details(e.g. some entities may have only company name while some can have email and so on and so forth) ):

[{John Smith, GiriTech Inc, jsmith@giritech.com, 3452734819},{Walter Hoien, GiriTech Inc, whoien@giritech.com, 5137233785},{Paul Kauer,RayTech Inc.,paul.kauer@raytech.com, 5137533948}]


  • Hello Chirag,

    I will follow up with you directly to get the details and to see how to get the best possible fit to the use case.

