price data not populating

I'm reading in historical stock prices using:

df = ek.get_timeseries(tickers, 'CLOSE',start_date='2013-01-02', end_date='2018-07-02')

when I print or export to excel I only see daily close prices from 4/30/18 to 7/02/18. So the end date is correct but the start date isn't as per what was specified in the equation (1/2/2013).

Is this an issue with the code or maybe with my app key/permissioning? My account rep/manager approved me for 50 stocks, going back 10 years. So not sure why this is happening. Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Yes, the 3K rows limit is regardless of your Eikon account. It is aimed to protect the backend infrastructure. If you need more that 3K rows of price history you need to execute multiple get_timeseries methods.
    To retrieve monthly timeseries use interval='monthly' keyword argument, e.g.

    ek.get_timeseries('TRI.N', 'CLOSE',start_date='2013-01-02', end_date='2018-07-02',interval='monthly')
    For full list of parameters you can use with get_timeseries method see Eikon Data APIs for Python Reference Guide available under the Documentation tab on Eikon Data APIs page on this portal.
