Does TRKG provide HS codes?

Does TRKG provide HS codes in its content set ?

Could you please clarify this ?


Best Answer

  • brian.rohan
    Answer ✓

    The metadata group has confirmed there is no plan "for us to support that (large) taxonomy." If @hiroko.yamaguchi has additional information about the business driver or prospect, I will make sure it reaches the metadata team for consideration.


  • It's too difficult for the prospect to directly ask their question via this platform at the moment as we are currently on the phase where we're making them get interested in TRKG and they're reluctant to do so by themselves.

  • I don't mind at all.

  • Could you please help me clarify the above question promptly?

  • No, I don't believe we currently have Harmonized System codes in the Knowledge Graph. I have asked the metadata group to comment on whether they are available somewhere we could pick up, or on a roadmap for delivery.