About new feature in DSS 12.1 on ISO 15022 35B field

This new feature:

"Corporate Actions ISO 15022 35 B changes; x character set restriction relaxed to correctly display RICs and Ticker Symbols with unsupported characters. CIN Code added to Standard Events."

Why relaxed the X character set? That will crash ISO decoder if any non-ISO characters... Why not using the SWIFT EBCDIC code for all those special char?

I have an open case about an issue with a $ sign in a 35B field. The $ is not allowed in the 35B format. The $ is reserved to separate different ISO messages.

I have also another issue in the output of CorporateActions extraction in ISO from DSS, some CrLF in the output are " r n" instead of "\r\n". ThomsonReuters Dev team are on it but no ETA for the moment...



Best Answer

  • 8004067
    Answer ✓

    Thank you very much for your feedback Stephane.

    Per MDPUG Principle 14 ("Valid Characters for the description of the Security"):

    "...The group confirmed that where they are not using FIN for delivery, they would not be limiting the characters used to those of the ‘x character set’. It is a requirement and valued added service to provide the exact legal name of a stock/company, for example..."

    I raised this point with the MDPUG on May 15th 2018 - seeking clarification in relation to RICs and Ticker Symbols in particular.

    The outcome was as follows:

    "For /RICC/ and /TS/ the conclusion was that Data Source Schemes were exempt from the ‘x character set’ restrictions requiring the use of escape sequences for outliers.

    Examples are:

    • /RICC/WFE_pa.N (underscore)
    • /RICC/DEA0D0P4=MU (equals)
    • /TS/Y&G (ampersand)"

    In keeping with this, the intention of DSS 12.1 was to relax the existing constraints for /RICC/ and /TS/ specifically and exclusively.

    Unfortunately, as a result of an undetected defect, the scope of application was wider and I apologise for the associated disruption.

    I shall request that the underlying policy matter be added to the agenda of the next MDPUG Meeting (July 31st) for further discussion and review our plans in light of the conclusions.

    The end of message marker is "-}$" and that string, with that meaning, would not arise within 35B.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Barnes


  • 8004067

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Are you sure about the end of message? For me the end of message is "-}", the "$" is here to separate messages... as we don't have on the last message when we get multiple messages.

