In the Python news API, how can I filter out all the NEWSWIRE news? Thanks.

Currently using this filter:

Language:LEN AND Source:SUGG AND ( Topic:GLOFIN OR Topic:TOPNWS ) NOT ( Source:TRAUT OR Source:ECLCTA OR Source:ECLTND OR Source:ECLPCM OR Source:ECLBFI OR Topic:ENT OR Topic:JOB OR Topic:SPO OR Topic:BACT OR Topic:STXOPS OR Topic:INTER OR Topic:MTPDF OR Topic:VID OR Topic:REP OR Topic:VEN OR Topic:INFO OR Topic:ORDIMB OR "NPL" OR Topic:WEA OR Topic:ENV OR Topic:TXT OR Topic:PCARD OR Topic:INSI OR Topic:RSUM OR Topic:PREV OR Topic:OBIT OR Topic:NMKR OR Topic:NEWR OR Topic:FILING OR Topic:ADVS OR Topic:AAA OR Topic:MEVN OR Topic:RCH OR Topic:PRO OR Topic:PPLMOV )

Best Answer

  • I see. I don't think there's any specific logic for when the word "newswire" appears in news headlines. Sometimes it is related to the news source, other times it's just a word in the headline that happened to be relevant to the news story. If you'd like to filter out all headlines containing the word 'newswire', you can just add it to your news search expression:

    "Language:LEN AND Source:SUGG AND ( Topic:GLOFIN OR Topic:TOPNWS ) NOT ( Source:TRAUT OR Source:ECLCTA OR Source:ECLTND OR Source:ECLPCM OR Source:ECLBFI OR Topic:ENT OR Topic:JOB OR Topic:SPO OR Topic:BACT OR Topic:STXOPS OR Topic:INTER OR Topic:MTPDF OR Topic:VID OR Topic:REP OR Topic:VEN OR Topic:INFO OR Topic:ORDIMB OR 'NPL' OR Topic:WEA OR Topic:ENV OR Topic:TXT OR Topic:PCARD OR Topic:INSI OR Topic:RSUM OR Topic:PREV OR Topic:OBIT OR Topic:NMKR OR Topic:NEWR OR Topic:FILING OR Topic:ADVS OR Topic:AAA OR Topic:MEVN OR Topic:RCH OR Topic:PRO OR Topic:PPLMOV OR 'NEWSWIRE' )"


  • Currently using this filter:

    Language:LEN AND Source:SUGG AND ( Topic:GLOFIN OR Topic:TOPNWS ) NOT ( Source:TRAUT OR Source:ECLCTA OR Source:ECLTND OR Source:ECLPCM OR Source:ECLBFI OR Topic:ENT OR Topic:JOB OR Topic:SPO OR Topic:BACT OR Topic:STXOPS OR Topic:INTER OR Topic:MTPDF OR Topic:VID OR Topic:REP OR Topic:VEN OR Topic:INFO OR Topic:ORDIMB OR "NPL" OR Topic:WEA OR Topic:ENV OR Topic:TXT OR Topic:PCARD OR Topic:INSI OR Topic:RSUM OR Topic:PREV OR Topic:OBIT OR Topic:NMKR OR Topic:NEWR OR Topic:FILING OR Topic:ADVS OR Topic:AAA OR Topic:MEVN OR Topic:RCH OR Topic:PRO OR Topic:PPLMOV )

  • @jordia
    Could you please clarify the objective? Eikon Data APIs can only retrieve news headlines from newswires, as opposed to the News Monitor app in Eikon that can in addition retrieve news from Global Press Watch and from Web sources. If using Eikon Data APIs you filter out all newswires you'll end up with nothing. The news search expression you included in your post filters out a bunch of sources and topics, but I'm afraid it's not obvious to me what you're looking to achieve.

  • Ok thanks.

    Some news appear to have NEWSWIRE written in the header, but we can't find a tab with that name to filter them out. Only some newswires news have that.

  • Thanks vm.