Download manager URLs


I am downloading data via Excel VBA. The Power, Gas, Carbon Research and Forecasts Download Manager template serves as a good learning material. I have found out, that I am accessing the data from Eikon database thanks to URLs. For example for 1003-PMT USNW Hydro ECOP STF BR the link is /rs/RoutingService_rest.svc/chartserver/DownloadTableCached?p=rpLvFH83z4h... I would like to ask whether these links are permanent and moreover if the file cached is always from the latest update.

Thanks in advance.


Best Answer


  • In addition, we advise the clients not to use
    VBA scripts against Download Manager - Power, Gas, Carbon Research and Forecasts template.
    The application is designed for manual
    retrieval of the files, and the content should only be stored and used in
    user’s Excel, similar to the desktop usage of the content in charts and tables.
    It is not permitted to download the data to the database nor use it in
    front-end applications.

    If the user wants to use VBA
    script to load the files into his Excel only, it is recommended to do it on
    ad-hoc basis in terms of download frequency, rather than systematic cron job.
    The application is not meant for serving as automatic data feed.

    Also, the link to the file uses
    a parameter that doesn’t allow the client to define the object they would want
    to view, hence running the VBA script might not return the expected data.

  • Do we have python Script to use download manager