manual for Eikon C# API

I cannot find the manual document for Eikon C# API. Please help here. Thanks.

Best Answer


  • Thanks for the help. I am also looking at the C# API using Interop.EikonDesktopDataAPI.dll, Interop.RSearch.dll, etc., which is simply introduced here I don't see the github open source project using those functions. Do you have any other sources providing manual for using APIs like Interop.RSearch.dll?

  • Yes. Click on the Tutorials tab on the introductory page you referenced.

  • I have followed the sample code to lunch "new EikonDesktopDataAPI.EikonDesktopDataAPI();", but got the following error:

    Additional information: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {70B3E69B-E207-412E-8A27-E94A01F96728} failed due to the following error: 8007007e The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)..

    It looks like some COM component is required. Do you have any solution for this?

  • Are you running the sample on the machine where Eikon is installed? Search Windows registry for {70B3E69B-E207-412E-8A27-E94A01F96728}. If Eikon is installed on the machine, you should find this COM class UUID in the registry. On a 64-bit Windows box you should have the following registry key: HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{70B3E69B-E207-412E-8A27-E94A01F96728}

    Make sure you compile the application as 32-bit. Eikon COM libraries are all 32-bit and can only be used in 32-bit processes.