Excel API: formula builder - retreive data from local server

Is it possible to specify the Server from which to retreive the data explicitly in the excel API / formula builder? I.e. I want to request a time series history from a (local) server different from IDN_selectfeed.
I could not find anything in the documentation / questions on this board.

Customer support directed me to this board. Thank you v much

Best Answer

  • Try RTFEED:<your_feed_name> in the RHistory Request param, something along the lines of

    =RHistory("AAPL.O",".Timestamp;.Close","RTFEED:TEST INTERVAL:1D",,"TSREPEAT:NO CH:Fd")

    Which Time series API for Excel are you using?


  • For the RHistory API the process is similar:

     With myRHistoryQuery
    .InstrumentIDList = "AAPL.O"
    .RequestParams = "RTFEED:your_feed_name NBROWS:25 INTERVAL:TICK"
    .RefreshParams = "FRQ:5S"
    .DisplayParams = "SORT:D"

    End With

    more info is in the RHistory API tutorial

  • Thank you very much for your answer. Indeed the approach led me to the solution: There is no history set up on the server under consideration. Ergo I find invalid soruce.