which field to use for Total Return nos. in excel API. TR.TotalReturn is not working

which field to use for Total Return nos. in excel API. TR.TotalReturn is not working

Best Answer

  • @sujit, a few questions.

    Which API are you using? If it is .NET, the Data API does not have access to the fundamental database, only real-time and time series.

    Which asset are you looking to get Total Return for? TR.TotalReturn refers to equities.

    Here is an example in Excel:

    =TR("AAPL.O","TR.TotalReturn","SDate=0D EDate=-1AY")


    Here is the same result in the Python API:



  • I downloaded single query sample excel book from https://docs-developers.thomsonreuters.com/1535000730857/12020/ that has field list mentioned as TRDPRC_1.HIGH etc. When I replace those fields with TR.TotalReturn, it returns invalid field. But TRDPRC_1.HIGH etc returns valid nos. singlequery.png

  • @sujit

    You are using an incorrect API. TR.TotalReturn is a fundamental database field, you can access it with an API called DEX - here is the tutorial

  • @Zhenya Kovalyov Thanks for pointing this out. However, when I try to initialize Dex2 seession, it throws up an error: 53:File not found: PLVbaApis.dll

    When I try to add this dll to References-VBA project, it says: Cant add a reference to the specified file



  • are you running the code in Eikon Excel? Do you have a correct declaration of the function?

    Public Declare Function CreateReutersObject Lib "PLVbaApis.dll" (ByVal progID As String) As Object