Machine readble news for .NET or C#

The code example listed here is not working.. The link seems to be broken..

Tutorial 8 - Request and Decode Machine Readable News

Is the RFA.NET recommended way to consume MRN from Elektron? Is it supported, or any drawbacks of using this approach?

Best Answer

  • Hi @rvadapally,

    Yes, it is an access issue. You will need to reach out to your Refinitiv sales rep to grant you access to this content. The message you received should have indicated this as opposed to the "Something went wrong" message. I will raise this to the development team.

    Regarding the question "Is the RFA.NET the recommended way to consume..."?. If you are limited to only use .NET, then yes, this is presently the way to go. If this is new development and you have flexibility to use either C++ or Java, I would recommend to use our strategic Elektron Message APIs. They are designed to be significantly easier to use.

    Hope this helps.
