IEikonDesktopDataAPI initialize warnings

SD_BOOTSTRAP: Configuring traces from resource IDR_XML_TRACE_SOURCES Log config warning: TraceSource 'SD_BOOTSTRAP' already exists and will be reconfigured

Log config warning: TraceSource 'BOOT_SCHED' already exists and will be reconfigured

Log config warning: TraceSource 'SD_FDM_MISC' already exists and will be reconfigured

Log config warning: TraceSource 'SD_FDM_ASYNCDF' already exists and will be reconfigured

Log config warning: TraceSource 'SD_FDM_WKTH' already exists and will be reconfigured

SD_BOOTSTRAP: Configuring traces from file C:\Users\igorg\AppData\Local\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\X\Config\Traces.xml

Every time I run IEikonDesktopDataAPI->Initialize(&status). it send me the warnings above to the console. Is there a way to hide them?

Best Answer

  • @igorg
    "I'm pretty sure this output to the console is unintentional, and I don't believe there's any way to suppress it. Out of curiosity, why do you care?


  • @igorg unfortunately there is no way for me to check, but I think it would be regulated by the logging settings for the terminal. Try going to Thomson Reuters > Configuration Manager > Logs and reduce the logging levels. It is either that or that you are running your app in the 'debug' mode.

  • I know I marked this answer as accepted. However, Configuration manager log settings didn't help.

    For second reason, what exactly do you mean by 'running app in Debug mode'?

  • We have a tool that runs different applications and monitor the return codes, standard output and standard error output... Those warnings go to cerr and it makes our tool to think something went wrong and generate different kind of alerts.

  • I see. Well I'm afraid I don't see what can be done about it short of modifying your tool to ignore these warnings, if that's even a possibility. These warnings shouldn't be output to the console to begin with, however Eikon COM APIs libraries are in care & maintenance and there's no chance they will see any enhancements. Only most critical bugs can be considered. Since this issue hardly qualifies as a critical bug, I'd say there's no chance it will be fixed.

  • Understood. Thanks