Use EikonDesktopDataAPi and AdxRtList on VBA Access running on 64bits


i'm facing problems to use EikonDesKtopDataAPI on VBA Access running on 64 bits.

Indeed, while i use the class successfully to initiate RtList functions in 32 bits, i face problems to turn it into 64 bits. i have a message showing that "

ActiveX component can't create object" for this line

set EikonDDA=New EikonDesktopDataAPI.

any help for this matter will be appretiated.


Best Answer


  • Hi

    tahnak you for your answer.

    as i get problem when setting eikonDDA (

    set EikonDDA=New EikonDesktopDataAP), i will have the same problem if i want to use analytincs functions (such adxbondmodule which are compliant with 64 bits)


  • All Eikon COM APIs including Adfin Real-Time and Adfin Analytics are available only as 32-bit libraries, which cannot be used in 64-bit processes. So yes, you will have the same problem with Adfin Analytics.