"You will need a new app to open this reuters" message


I am interested in using .net Eikon API to retrieve realtime Fx data.

I have downloaded the sample app on https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/eikon-apis/net-apis-use-custom-applications/downloads

However, when I get to run this app, I get "You will need a new app to open this reuters" pop up.

Why do I get this and how can I run this sample application successfully?



Best Answer


  • @h.kim could you attach the screenshot of the message? the message is nothing i can recognise. Could you also confirm that you have Eikon installed and running?

  • Hi,

    I am getting the following.


    I am not running Eikon on my machine. Is this required?

  • @h.kim yes, as it is the Eikon desktop API, you will have to have Eikon up and running in order to use this API.

  • It is a generic windows error that occurs because Eikon is not installed on your machine.

  • @h.kim I just downloaded and ran the sample. It compiles and works fine. You will need Eikon installed on your local machine, for it to run.

  • ok i understand. Is there any other way or any other APIs that I can use without requiring Eikon running on the same machine

  • there are, but I can only recommend contacting your account manager to figure out the suitable solution. I will send you an email with the details.

  • thank you very much for your help