How do I retreive ASK price


I can retreive the mid price for a ric by using the RIC for the MID-price, for example EURSEK1MFIXMP=WM.

When I aqks with the RIC that is supposed to be used for bid/ask EURSEK1MFIXP=WM I only get the value for Bid.

How do I retreive the ask value?

example of the code I use:

var client = Eikon.CreateDataAPI();


var jsonSeries = client.GetTimeSeriesRaw("EURSEK1MFIXP=WM", DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-120), DateTime.Now, Interval.tick);


Best Answer


  • Ok that was not good news. Then we have to throw our code in the thrash and develop with the old API. IMO this seems more lika an alpha version.