Python:can i retrieve eikon data just login my eikon and without using Eikon API Proxy

It is ok when I use Eikon API Proxy to run the python programs, but when I login Ekion and exit Eikon API Proxy, python program always show “requests.exceptions.HTTPError: <Response [403]>”

I want to know if I can run my python programs without using Eikon API Proxy and just login my eikon? And if ok what need I to do?

Best Answer

  • @shaoxuemin
    The version of Eikon you're running includes embedded Eikon API Proxy service, which is launched on the start up of Eikon application. As far as I can see your Eikon account is enabled for using Eikon API Proxy. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to connect to embedded Eikon API Proxy.
    Could you please do the following:
    1. Verify the version of Eikon Python library you use. Better yet use PIP to upgrade to the latest version.
    2. Shutdown standalone Eikon API Proxy if it's running. Start Eikon application. Then run the following two lines of Python code:
    import eikon as ek
    ek.set_app_key(use your app key here)

    What's the result of executing these two lines of code?


  • @shaoxuemin Eikon API Proxy runs within the Eikon app as a service, so your API should work without the proxy running. Make sure you are on a latest available version of the app though, although I think we have made it available to the later releases as well.

    If you run on any issues, please post another question on this forum.

  • @Zhenya Kovalyov thanks for the reply.And I still wanna know if

    Eikon API Proxy runs within the Eikon app as a service, why the proxy does not work when the eikon app is running. and when I open the proxy and login, Eikon will kick me off. My Eikon version is desktop 4.0.45(4.0.45077)

  • @Zhenya Kovalyov thanks for the reply.And I still wanna know if

    Eikon API Proxy runs within the Eikon app as a service, why the proxy does not work when the eikon app is running. and when I open the proxy and login, Eikon will kick me off. My Eikon version is desktop 4.0.45(4.0.45077)

  • I use Python code:

    ek.set_app_id('app key')
    and the result is "Process finished with exit code 0"

    Need I do some setting in my eikon app?

    The version of Eikon I'm running includes embedded Eikon API Proxy service,but why when I run the proxy it always ask me to login? and when I login the proxy, my eikon kick me out...

  • I have already resolve the problem by your method,many thanks for your help