270__SymbolList can not get the data

I run the Example: Cpp-C/Ema/Examples/Training/Consumer/200_Series/270__SymbolList


try {

AppClient client;

OmmConsumer consumer( OmmConsumerConfig().host( "localhost:14002" ).username( "user1" ) );

UInt64 handle = consumer.registerClient( ReqMsg().domainType( MMT_SYMBOL_LIST ).serviceName( "ELEKTRON_DD" ).name( "0#/MBD.HK" ), client );

but I get the result :

Item Name: 0#/MBD.HK
Service Name: ELEKTRON_DD

Item State: Closed / Suspect / Not found / 'The record could not be found'

how can i the the result success,
what the Consumer.cpp should be.?

Best Answer


  • thanks Umer Nalla
    whats is the full name of RIC(i can not found it in your manual)
    can you please help to explain the "domain", i can not understand it from your manual;

  • tks Umer Nalla

    I am a new developer in china with EMA C++

    could you help to tell me which example I can use to get the stock list of HKSE directly;

    Your articles is very well , but I can not understand them in shor time.

  • tks Umer Nalla

    I am a new developer in china with EMA C++

    the article is very well,but developed in java,I even can not find the "FlatChain" in sdk(C++);

    now my question is how can I get stock list conveniently with EMA (C++)

  • Hi @luxiangyuan

    The techniques and mechanism described in the article for processing Chains is much the same in C++ and Java. So, you could refer to the articles and use the understanding to develop your own code to process chains in C++.

    EMA does not provide any built in classes for processing Chains specifically.

  • hi Umer:

    but where can I find the implements of "

    import com.thomsonreuters.platformservices.elektron.objects.chain.Chain;

    import com.thomsonreuters.platformservices.elektron.objects.chain.FlatChain;"

    So I can refer to.

    thanks a lot

  • Hi @luxiangyuan

    As mentioned in the Chain articles, they can be found on github


  • Hi Umer:

    the source code of the FlatChain is on the branch "feature-java7-compatibility"

    thank you !!!

  • hi umer:

    Is there any usage of java sdk "Elektron-SDK1.2.0.java"?

    I develop whth c++ almost,

    So I need the usage of the java sdk strongly。

  • Hi,

    I can see you asked this question on a separate post and a colleague has answered. If that is not the same question - please explain further what usage you require.