The OS Demanded By EMA C++

Which OS are suggested when developed in EMA(C++)
I found folder OL7_64_GCC482 and RHEL6_64_GCC444 in /Ema/Libs;
but I run the examples succefully under CENTOS7;

I also found CENTOS7_64_GCC482 in Ema/Libs;

So I want to know:

how CENTOS7_64_GCC482 is created?

can I develop under CENTOS7?

Best Answer

  • Hi @luxiangyuan

    Please refer to the README file which is located in the EMA subfolder.

    It states:

    This Release has been tested with the following:

    - Red Hat Advanced Server 6.0 Update
    2 Release 64-bit with GCC 4.4.4

    - Oracle Linux Server 6.0 Update 4
    64-bit with UPA Lib GCC 4.4.4 (RHEL6_64_GCC444)

    - Oracle Linux Server 7.0 64-bit with GCC
    4.8.2 (OL7_64_GCC482)

    - CentOS 7.0 64-bit with GCC 4.8.2

    So, as you will note we have tested with Centos using the OL7_64_GCC482 libraries


  • thanks Umer Nalla

    1、can you tell me which README,I locate all README through index.html,I did not found the OS Support info;

    there is no "CENTOS7_64_GCC482" in /Ema/Libs when i get the sdk;

    but after I run the sdk according to <<Migration Guide>>

    as you say, "CentOS 7.0 64-bit with GCC 4.8.2 (OL7_64_GCC482)",
    2、why CENTOS7_64_GCC482 is created?

  • Hi @luxiangyuan

    1. The README should be in the 'Ema' subfolder after you unpack the Elektron SDK tar.gz file e.g. Elektron-SDK1.2.1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Ema/README - depending on where you unpacked the tar.gz file.

    2.In terms of the CENTOS folder - please refer to section '5 Cmake' of the migration guide which states '....Cmake generates cleaner, more concise build environment files that correspond to the users platform and OS.'

  • hi Umer Nalla

    thanks for your answer; it sloves my question perfectly