Screener does not return all active/inactive Euronext Paris stocks

Related to this question:

I can't retrieve properly all France rics that has ever been traded (on Euronext Paris or Incorporate in France). Command in excel (or jupyter notebook) like this:


This list of rics does NOT include USIN.PA^B03, ALUA.PA^K16 and others rics that was constituent of CAC40 index and delisted at current time.

It is possible to get all rics traded on Euronext Paris (or all France exchanges) active and delisted?

Another example screener command and ric TECF.PA^A17 than not in list:


Best Answer

  • @oalexandere, I can find those with the Excel's RSearch function, not sure why they are not coming up in the screener results. I can see that the primary quote for Usinor was 13260.PA^B03 though, and not USIN.PA

    There might be a perfect explanation for that, but since this is a content question, I would suggest you contact your local Refinitiv support desk (Help > Contact Us) and see what they come up with.


  • Another trying - better, but still no some rics (NOKIA.PA in the example). No more ideas how to solve it.


    snippet code:

    exp = 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active or inactive,primary))), IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,FR), IN(TR.InstrumentTypeCode,ORD))'

    df, e = ek.get_data(exp, ['TR.RIC'])