EDP Research API - Need assistance on rules applied when this API removes newline characters.

Raising on behalf of client as they don't have access to this portal.


I'm testing Research API on Elektron Data Platform.

In Research API(Base URL: api.edp.thomsonreuters.com/data/research/beta1), I find "concatLinesInBlock" parameter.
It seems that some newline characters(\n) are removed when concatLinesInBlock is true.

Please teach me the rule applied when this API removes newline characters.

Best Answer

  • The parameter "concatLinesinBlock" can be used to remove the new lines "\n" inside the block of text (in "text" field inside "pages" of JSON message)

    This would help remove unnecessary new lines and easier to see in paragraph. This will not completely remove all new lines, but only the new line within each block.


  • @Nawapoom Lohajarernvanich

    Please see clients follow up email below:

    >> As confirmed, the parameter "concatLinesinBlock" can be used to remove the new lines "\n" inside the block of text (in "text" field inside "pages" of JSON message)

    What is the “block” and how do you decide the boundaries between each block?

    (Do you have some rules or algorithms to remove the newline symbol "\n"? And these rules or algorithms are secret?)

  • @Bernadette Mayormita.Miralles

    A block of text is basically a paragraph of text in PDF document file. Therefore the new line characters were left, so each paragraph still separate from each other.