Java Error contributing data to MARKETLINK

Contribution of MARKETLINK.ANY.******.NaE failed - (6) Invalid Message Syntax

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    Hi @zoya.farberov , thanks for the reply. I was able to make the example work now. What I found out is that although I am contributing to MARKETLINK, I should set openItemStream with serviceName "IDN_SELECTFEED" in the sendItemRequests().

    Thanks for helping me out!


  • Does anyone knows what might be the reason? Thanks

  • Hello,

    You are submitting a message that is not recognized as a valid MarketLink post.

    Perhaps you will find this answer "Contribution via RFA" useful.

    Once you have tried following the suggested approach, please let us know, if you are able to post succefully, or continue to encounter this error.



  • Also note that MLIP contributions system is being replaced with Thomson Reuters Cotribution Channel. If you are still using MLIP, please contact your account manager for migration path.

    Here is an article and tutorial on how to contribute using TRCC in Java.

  • I am able to compile and run the example you linked and see myself connected via ADS but the post item request is timeout now....

    <-- PostItemManager: Received for TEST01=RBCN OMM_ITEM_EVENT/MARKET_PRICE (com.reuters.rfa.internal.session.omm.OMMSubHandleImpl@68837a77) MsgType.STATUS_RESP
    Msg Type: MsgType.STATUS_RESP
    Msg Model Type: MARKET_PRICE
    Indication Flags:
    State: OPEN, SUSPECT, TIMEOUT, "Item Request Timeout"
    ServiceName: MARKETLINK
    Name: TEST01=RBCN
    NameType: 1 (RIC)
    Payload: None<br>
  • I am also getting this as Dump Status Response , do you know what might be the cause? Thanks

    <-- PostItemManager: Received for TEST01=RBCN OMM_ITEM_EVENT/MARKET_PRICE (com.reuters.rfa.internal.session.omm.OMMSubHandleImpl@68837a77) MsgType.STATUS_RESP
    Msg Type: MsgType.STATUS_RESP
    Msg Model Type: MARKET_PRICE
    Indication Flags:
    State: OPEN, SUSPECT, NONE, "No connection or service is currently up that supports this request."
    ServiceName: MARKETLINK
    Name: TEST01=RBCN
    NameType: 1 (RIC)
    Payload: None

    Dump Status Response
  • Hi,

    It seems to indicate that your infrastructure, ADS, is refusing the Post request.

    As possible next steps I would:

    1. Run a simple example consumer and make sure the same user is able to consume item TEST01=RBCN from service MARKETLINK

    2. Verify the message being posted includes the payload (as recommended in the answer by Wasin, an update, not a refresh, with a field list) as I see payload of "none" in status.

    3. Would contact your local market data group to try to get the insight into you infra log, is ADS reporting the attempt and what is in the log.


    I agree with Gurpreet, intergating with Contribution Channel would be recommended.