How to get history data of stock market value data?


I use the TR.QuoteMarketCap to get last market value of stock,but how to get history market value data ?

Best Answer

  • Hi @andy.ej

    It looks that there is no timeseries data for field "TR.QuoteMarketCap" however you can use an alternative field "TR.CompanyMarketCap".

    "TR.QuoteMarketCap" - The Quote Market Capitalization represents the market value based on the quote requested in the currency of Quote. Market Cap is calculated by multiplying Current Total Shares Outstanding by Latest Close Price for a Quote.

    "TR.CompanyMarketCap" -The Company Market Capitalization represents the sum of market value for all relevant issue level share types. The issue level market value is calculated by multiplying the requested shares type by latest close price. This item supports Default, Free Float and Outstanding shares types. The default shares type is the most widely reported outstanding shares for a market and it is most commonly Issued, Outstanding, or Listed shares.

    In order to explore possible fields and parameters it is recommended to use Eikon Excel where you can run a formula builder that will give you possibilities of customizing your output. Please check as well this tutorial.

    The example syntax for retrieving historical market value:

    ek.get_data('TRI.TO',['TR.CompanyMarketCap',''],{'SDate':'2018-11-06'}) #single day
    ek.get_data('TRI.TO',['TR.CompanyMarketCap',''],{'SDate':'0','Frq':'D', 'EDate':'-6'}) #number of days
    ek.get_data('TRI.TO',['TR.CompanyMarketCap',''],{'SDate':'2018-11-06','Frq':'D', 'EDate':'2018-11-16'}) #time range


  • Hi, Andy.


    ”TR.IssueMarketCap” may be better than "TR.CompanyMarketCap".

    "TR.CompanyMarketCap" can't get data of ETF's.

    ek.get_data('TRI.TO',['TR.CompanyMarketCap',''],{'SDate':'0','Frq':'D', 'EDate':'-6'}) #number of days

    About this code, sometimes can't get data of current date(today's data).

    I'm writing like this...

    ek.get_data('TRI.TO',['TR.IssueMarketCap',''],{'SDate':'-6','Frq':'D', 'EDate':'1'})

    Writing like this, Today's data will duplicate.

    However, data acquisition errors do not occur.

    Let's try it. :)

  • How can i Calculation 'TR.CompanyMarketCap' data?