Where is the Version info in Elektron-SDK C++

I can downLoad "Elektron-SDK C++" from Either "developers.thomsonreuters" or "github", show as follows :

  1. https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/elektron/elektron-sdk-cc/downloads
  2. https://github.com/thomsonreuters/Elektron-SDK

but I can not find the version info in the SDK,.

now my question is:

1、is there any version in the sdk, such as "#define VERSION 1.2.1"

2、which is for the Official release, "developers.thomsonreuters" or "github"?

Best Answer

  • @luxiangyuan

    The version information is in header files.

    For ETA : Cpp-C\Eta\Include\rsslVersion.h

    For EMA : Cpp-C\Ema\Src\Access\EmaVersion.h

    These files are auto-generated by the cmake build system, see the top level CMakeLists.txt file if you want to see this information before generating any project files, specifically the esdk VERSION setting.

    The Official release is always made available on "developers.thomsonreuters.com".
