the diff between "LONGNEXTLR"and"PREF_LINK"


I develop with EMA(c++)

I decode the chain, I found the field "LONGNEXTLR"and"PREF_LINK" has the same value ,

what is the difference between them?

what are the effects of them?



Best Answer

  • luxiangyuan

    According to some notes I found:

    If you are constructing a display trigger from the value in the PREF_DISP field, then your application should use the contents of the PREF_LINK field in the first chain header record. If the PREF_LINK field is empty within the first chain record, or if you are constructing a simple chain display, your application should use the contents of the LONGNEXTLR field.

    I suspect for your usage you can ignore PREF_LINK.