[EMA]How to build "Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander" with Elektron-SDK1.2.2.java


I want to build "Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander" with "Elektron-SDK1.2.2.java".

"Elektron-SDK1.2.2.java" has been build successfully.

But I get errors when I build "Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander".

I set the JAVA_PATH as follows:

set ELEKTRON_JAVA_HOME=E:\srcRefer\Elektron-SDK1.2.2.java\setup\Elektron-SDK1.2.2.java.rrg\Java

it looks that there are some errors of the ema.jar version





Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    You can modify the scripts in this question to support SDK1.2.2.

    Three files must be modified with the version number of SDK.

    1. Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander\build322.bat


    2. Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander\ValueAddObjectsForEMA\build322.bat


    3. Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander\ValueAddObjectsForEMA\Manifest322.txt

    Class-Path: ema- upa- upaValueAdd- commons-configuration-1.10.jar commons-lang-2.6.jar commons-logging-1.2.jar commons-collections-3.2.2.jar slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar slf4j-jdk14-1.7.12.jar


  • Hi @luxiangyuan,

    The version of the ChainExpander was built and tested with Elektron-SDK1.1.x. The Elektron-SDK1.2.x package has changed it's structure and modules which is why the build fails. I have contacted the owner and the package will be updated in the future. I would encourage you to post this as an issue here: https://github.com/TR-API-Samples/Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander/issues

    To move forward, I would suggest one of two things. You can try/test the example with an older version of Elektron-SDK (version 1.1.x) or modify one of the build scripts to work with the version of Elektron you have installed. I was able to modify the build.bat script within the ValueAddObjectsForEMA subdirectory to look like this:


    After these modifications, the script will complain about the copying of some files which you can ignore. I was able to follow the instructions and successfully run the example.

    Hope this helps.

  • hello

    I did as you say bo modify "build.bat", but some errors remain.

    the build.bat shows as attachment.

    the error shows as below:


  • Hi @luxiangyuan,

    I see a few mistakes in your attached 'build.txt' file. Please refer to my changes above and ensure they are the same. This is what I found:


  • Hi @luxiangyuan

    Did you add the ELEKTRON_JAVA_HOME environmental variable to point to your SDK installation?

    I set mine to

    set ELEKTRON_JAVA_HOME=C:\Reuters\ElektronJ1.2.2

    Please find attached the batch file I used to build using 3.2.2 sucessfully.


  • Thanks Umer, I will mention this to Olivier. The git project links to the older version of the ValueAddObjectsforEMA which is why I (and most people) would miss it. Let me instruct the user to refer to the updated submodule.

  • Hi @luxiangyuan,

    If you are still having troubles getting this to work, there was a recent patch uploaded to the ValueAddObjectsForEMA submodule. In there is a patch named: build321.bat that will work with SDK1.2.1 but @Umer Nalla attached a modified version of this file so it works with your version SDK1.2.2.

    This should allow you to move forward.


  • The script files are in script322.zip.

  • hello, I did as you answer, but faild again.

    1、I use \build322.bat in ChainExpander;

    2、I modiry ChainExpander\build322.bat as the modify pic

    3、I use build322.bat in ValueAddObjectsForEMA

    4、but there are some errors tool

    modify ChainExpander\build322.bat




  • It looks like to be the no such file or directory error.

    Please make sure that all jar files are in the correct folders.


  • hello:

    it looks there is only one error left as follos,


  • The file in Article.EMA.Java.ChainExpander\build322.bat is incorrect.

    After calling build322.bat in ValueAddObjectsForEMA, it should "Building the ChainExpander application..."


    The modified scripts are in script322.zip

  • thank you very much,it works.

  • hi nick.zincone.

    thank you very much, it works.

  • hi Umer:

    thank you very much for your patience, it works.

    your suggestion gives me lots of helps,